Cours du Mithril (MITH), Graphiques, Capitalisation, Convertisseur, Avis

0.00000000 BTC
Volume (24h)
Circulating Supply
618.753.636 MITH
Total Supply MITH

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* Currency in EUR
Historical Price for Mithril
Mithril Markets

Mithril en quelques mots

  • Mithril est une cryptomonnaie ayant pour symbole MITH.
  • Le prix unitaire d’un Mithril est de 0,00017
  • et sa capitalisation boursière (marketcap) est de 105.351 .
  • Cette crypto est actuellement classée 4464 parmis tous les autres actifs numériques.
  • Son volume journalier est de 21 .
  • L’évolution de Mithril est de -0.26% sur les dernières 24 heures.
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Convertisseur de Mithril


Qu’est-ce que Mithril ( MITH ) ?

Mithril is platform created by the Taiwanese-American pop star and entrepreneur Jeffrey Huang, founder of the app 17 media, the most popular live-streaming app in Asia. It's linked to social media allowing users to be rewarded by their content.

Each social media adopting Mithril can reward their users setting a value for "likes", "views", "shares", etc. Users can spend the MTH tokens in the apps within the Mithril platform, such as buying premium content channels and unlocking nctionalities or buying new applications. It was released alongside with Lit, an app for sharing "stories", similar to Snapchat. Lit was well-received with an active user base in Asia.

The MTH token is an Ethereum-based ERC-20 token.

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