Cours du Numeraire (NMR), Graphiques, Capitalisation, Convertisseur, Avis

0.00023865 BTC
Volume (24h)
Circulating Supply
7.349.254 NMR
Total Supply
10.713.790 NMR

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* Currency in EUR
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Numeraire en quelques mots

  • Numeraire est une cryptomonnaie ayant pour symbole NMR.
  • Le prix unitaire d’un Numeraire est de 13,70
  • et sa capitalisation boursière (marketcap) est de 100.965.525 .
  • Cette crypto est actuellement classée 410 parmis tous les autres actifs numériques.
  • Son volume journalier est de 6.676.765 .
  • L’évolution de Numeraire est de -0.36% sur les dernières 24 heures.
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Qu’est-ce que Numeraire ( NMR ) ?

Numerai is an AI-run, crowd-sourced hedge fund based in San Francisco. It was created by South African technologist Richard Craib in October 2015. Numerai’s trades are determined by an AI, which is fueled by a network of thousands of anonymous data scientists. Numerai's investment group was led by Howard Morgan of Renaissance Technologies, and its investors include Naval Ravikant.

Numerai aims to change the way Wall Street operates by promoting a collaborative approach to investment and money management. Numerai harnesses the power of the collective through a monthly tournament and machine learning. Each month, data scientists submit their predictions and best trading algorithms in exchange for a form of cryptocurrency called Numeraire. Numerai raised $7.5 million in 2016 in two funding rounds.

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