Cours du BitcoinZ (BTCZ), Graphiques, Capitalisation, Convertisseur, Avis

0.00000000 BTC
Volume (24h)
Circulating Supply
12.604.557.974 BTCZ
Total Supply BTCZ

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* Currency in EUR
Historical Price for BitcoinZ
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BitcoinZ en quelques mots

  • BitcoinZ est une cryptomonnaie ayant pour symbole BTCZ.
  • Le prix unitaire d’un BitcoinZ est de 0,000022
  • et sa capitalisation boursière (marketcap) est de 280.885 .
  • Cette crypto est actuellement classée 4158 parmis tous les autres actifs numériques.
  • Son volume journalier est de 20 .
  • L’évolution de BitcoinZ est de 1.26% sur les dernières 24 heures.
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Convertisseur de BitcoinZ


Qu’est-ce que BitcoinZ ( BTCZ ) ?

A cryptocurrency launched on September 9th, 2017 and dedicated to The Purest Son of Liberty - Thaddeus Kosciuszko. BitcoinZ launched with no premine, no developer fees, no ICO, was not a chain fork of any coin - it started at Block 1. In addition to these founding principles, BitcoinZ has also committed itself to always being GPU mineable and resist ASIC miners.

Aside from its strict adherence to its founding principles, BitcoinZ prides itself in pushing the limits of decentralization by 100% community inclusion - the community posts open and public proposals for change and proposals are voting on. The community infrastructure is also community owned - no one person can revoke their contribution in a manner that degrades service to the community. Progress is achieved by complete volunteerism, with some proposals seeking a budget from community donations - mostly from member mining activities and pools supporting the project by setting their pools to auto-donate.

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