Cours du Dero (DERO), Graphiques, Capitalisation, Convertisseur, Avis

0.00001833 BTC
Volume (24h)
Circulating Supply
12.677.351 DERO
Total Supply
18.400.000 DERO

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* Currency in EUR
Historical Price for Dero
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Dero en quelques mots

  • Dero est une cryptomonnaie ayant pour symbole DERO.
  • Le prix unitaire d’un Dero est de 1,05
  • et sa capitalisation boursière (marketcap) est de 13.282.529 .
  • Cette crypto est actuellement classée 1246 parmis tous les autres actifs numériques.
  • Son volume journalier est de 44.267 .
  • L’évolution de Dero est de -5.29% sur les dernières 24 heures.
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Convertisseur de Dero


Qu’est-ce que Dero ( DERO ) ?

Dero has written a new blockchain technology based on the CryptoNote protocol with the next major step being new smart contract controls. Dero's new blockchain is coded in golang (Go) to bring together the CryptoNote protocol and smart contracts on the Dero blockchain. Dero's new blockchain based on the CryptoNote protocol and written in golang is now complete and the development team have completed their Q1 roadmap goals early. Having written a new blockchain technology from the ground up successfully, the team is now turning their attention to smart contracts with CryptoNote privacy.

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